Meet the Team

Danielle Jones

Owner/Manager/Lead Dog Walker



I have always had a passion and love for pooches having always had dogs throughout my childhood and adult life.

I have had many breeds of canine ranging from Huskies, Bulldogs, German shepherds, Labradors and Border Collies, with such a wide range of behavioural traits; and I have had a deep and loving bond will all of them.

It has been my passion and my true calling over the last few years to train to become a Canine Behaviourist.

I am beginning my career by doing what should be the foundation of all canine specialist’s, ‘dog walking’; as it provides so much valuable experience.


It will offer ‘you’ our customers the ability to have your loving pets walked by highly qualified and knowledgeable walkers and reassure you that our team will always be advancing their skills as well as their passion for are 4 legged friends so they can be stimulated, happy, healthy and wagging4walks.


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