
Wagging4Walks Ltd

Terms & Conditions, Privacy & Data Policies

*As a client when registering for services you agree and sign to all of the below conditions/terms/polices and by continuing services amendments thereof.

1.0 Terms and Conditions

Policy on Violence & inappropriate behaviours.

1.1 Wagging4Walks Ltd has a zero-tolerance policy towards abuse (verbal or physical), threatening behaviour, violence towards

or inappropriate behaviour directed at our staff; such behaviour will result in the immediate termination of your booking/s/contract without refund; legal action can and may be taken against individuals in breach of this policy and relevant UK legislation. Wagging4Walks Ltd will not tolerate the belittling of its staff or harassment via business chats or social media; breech of this will also result in cancelation of all services.

2.0 Equality and Discrimination 

2.1 Wagging4Walks Ltd complies with the Equality Act 2010 (and all revisions) we do not except abuse towards any member of staff or clients in relegation to age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race,

religion/belief, sex (gender) and sexual orientation. Abuse (verbal, physical etc) will not be tolerated against any member of staff or clients in the presence of our staff and may be prosecutable under the Act by individuals affected and result in the termination of employment.

  2.2 While in the presence of Wagging4Walks Ltd staff or franchisees we hope that all LGBTQ+ individuals can feel safe and respected; as

as a company we pride ourselves on being a fully inclusive workplace for all staff and clients, a safe space.


3.0 The Animal Welfare Act

3.1 The Animal Welfare Act 2006 (all additions and subsections) puts a duty of care on owners and companies caring for animals to reduce animal suffering by enabling preventive action to be taken before suffering occurs.

It places on people who are responsible for domestic and companion animals a duty requiring them to do all that

is reasonable to ensure the welfare of the animal.

3.2 Wagging4Walks Ltd as a company will not allow the

unnecessary suffering of a Canine and reserves the right to report such breaches to the RSPCA and Police and 

refuse future service to owners in breach of legislation.

3.3 The owner is responsible and will ensure that their dog/s are up to date with all their vaccinations,

flea and tick treatments and de-wormer treatments.

4.0 The Dangerous Dog Act


The owner agrees their dog/s have NEVER bitten anyone, even the owner, and understands that

false information renders provided insurance null and void and puts you in breach of the terms and conditions

of Wagging4Walks putting all liability for any dog (you the client care for or own) back on you

the owner or client named in any and all eventuality.

5.0 Loss or Damage
5.1 The owner accepts full liability for any loss or damage caused by their dog while in our care.


5.2 The Owner is financially responsible for any loss or damage to property whilst your dog is in our care, outside normal wear and tear.

5.1 Off Lead Disclaimer

By Agreeing below you (the registered client of Wagging4Walks Ltd and registered keeper of the canine/s in question) Agree and acknowledge that in law Wagging4Walks is not responsible for actions of your dog whilst off lead towards other animals and people, and takes no responsibility in the case of lost, stolen, or injured canines (namely the clients) if this could have been prevented by the use of a lead. 

This document may only be signed by the registered keeper/owner of the canine/s in question, and if signed by another will be invalid; and will further indemnify Wagging4Walks Ltd and its staff from all claims against them; invalidating all cover and insurances offered. 


 Wagging4Walks Ltd will make every reasonable effort to ensure your dog/s are safe whilst in our care and that other people and dogs do not come to harm; however this may not always be possible. 

You further agree that your dog/s have never bitten or attacked any other canine or human and does not have an aggressively reactive temperament. 

You agree as the registered keeper that your dog/s are safe to be around others and animals off lead and that in the event of injury caused by your dog to others (people) including other dogs whilst in the care of wagging4walks Ltd staff or franchisees; you (the registered client) take full responsibility for the cost incurred due to any legal case being made against the handler. All our staff hold individual indemnity and personal liability insurence.*

Wagging4Walks Ltd is insured through Protectivity insurance (underwritten by AXA) which does not cover off lead dogs and any claim by the client will be rejected and investigated by them.

This is a Legal disclaimer stating that the registered client/owner of the dog takes all responsibility for the decision to allow their dog/s off lead with a 3rd party namely Wagging4Walks Ltd staff or franchisees.

The client agrees, in the event that the clients dog/s may injure or be injured during the walk, (off lead) that the client will indemnify Wagging4Walks Ltd and its staff for any responsibility in law for the actions of their (the clients) animal (namely canine/s) named on this form. Wagging4Walks Ltd will always provide emergency first aid and take injured animals to the designated vets or the nearest possible vets in life threatening situations.

This document may be used as evidence in a court of law to indemnify Wagging4Walks Ltd as a company and any and all staff and or franchises involved in an incident that draws the company or individuals associated with the company into litigation with another party due to the actions of your dog/s named on your registration form.

5.2 Business vehicle accidents.

In the event of a RTC (road traffic collision) Wagging4Walks Ltd staff will assess the situation and the welfare of all animals in the vehicle and make an informed decision on how to proceed. i.e. if the incident is serious and the vehicle shouldn't be driven, dogs should be returned home (with the assistance of a road safe vehicle). In the event of minor incidents (and the vehicle is in a sound condition) and all dogs are safe and well, walkers may proceed with there working day as normal and inform Head office as soon as practically possible. Head office will inform any client whose dog was involved (if there is a welfare concern to there pet) within 24hrs of the incident. Wagging4Walks Ltd insurances will cover costs of injury to pets inline with the wording and restriction of 3rd party insurers policies etc. In line with the data protection act the company only has to provide details concerning your pets and not in-depth details of the incident i.e. how it happened, who was involved, names or locations.

6.0 Canine Nutritionist transparency!

 6.1 Currently there are no specific trainings offered in the UK to become a recognised, qualified, professional 'canine nutritionist' or canine Nutritional Therapist. Except for vets. Yet of all the vets in the UK there are only handful of who have achieved the title Canine Nutritionist.

This is due to a As the current legislation stands only pet shop owners, or those who work for a dog food company are able to discuss dog food and diets with dog owners for a profit.
This is due to the Veterinary Act 1966 and the Veterinary Act Exemptions order 1962 which highlight that in the UK anything that is Invasive, i.e. involves something that enters the dog’s body to create change, such as herbal medicine, acupuncture or homeopathy is only permitted to be practiced by a vet.
At the moment Nutrition isn’t mentioned in the vet acts, so it remains something of a grey area in terms of being able to legally consult or become qualified as an authority on the subject. As a therapy or practice that makes changes to the chemistry of a dogs body nutrition and diet could potentially fall under the act should anything happen to a dog as a result of any consultation or advice given.
This fact though may only influence the ability to obtain insurance to practice, rather than stop anyone actually creating a canine nutrition practice.

6.2 ***If you have any concerns about what is written here in the terms and conditions, please highlight and right click the link below to further understand why the Royal Veterinary Collage (UK) and Canine food Industry (UK) have influenced the creation and protection of this (rather controversial) Act of parliament over the last 55 years.***



6.3 Therefore for the purpose of the services labelled 'Canine Nutritionist services' the client agrees that the service given or discussed constitutes a informed discussion ONLY and any information that could be deemed 'advice' can only be assumed by you (the client) and not confirmed in any way by Wagging4Walks inline with legislation. We also strongly suggest you consult trained medical vets before changing anything about your canines diet, or other orally consumed health related substances etc again inline with current legislation around canine food, and nutrition.

You the client also agree by signing to fully indemnify of the contractor (Wagging4Walks) and its staff in any matter of this subject regarding so called 'advice' or anything that could constitute it in law by taking up the service etc.


6.4 General and Nutritional Advice

6.4 The owner/client excepts that advice given in anyway is just that 'advice' and the choice to follow that advice has to be based on there own knowledge and research as well. Wagging4Walks takes no responsibility for advice given when facts are omitted or forgotten i.e. medical conditions, allergies, rare diseases, behavioural issues and unknown underlying conditions etc. All Nutritional plans should be discussed with a veterinary professional and agreed with yourself (the owner/client) in writing; failure to do this renders Wagging4Walks blameless in all eventualities regarding the general health of your pets. The owner/client also excepts that while every effort is made to tailor nutritional, dietary and exercise needs to their pets, it may not always work the way its intended and as wagging4walks representatives are not there to constantly monitor what happening we do not shoulder any responsibility for outcome in law and by agreeing to Ts&Cs you (the client) indemnify Wagging4Walks as a company, entirely against prosecution.

7.0 Veterinary Fee's etc.

7.1 Wagging4Walks will not be held accountable for vet fees or third-party claims whilst your dog is in our care; it is stated in the registration form the limitations of our cover specifically and only immediate emergency care is covered, and not ongoing treatment, care, or medication etc. However, we are obliged by law to provide first aid and advice to owners to visit their vets in less serious cases. Under the *Animal Rights Act 2006 revisions canines are sentient beings and should never be in a state of pain or serious discomfort and we have a duty of care to prevent this as a company as well as any individual or canine owner/keeper/carer etc under the Act*.


7.2 The owner is to make full disclosure of any quality or characteristic problem which might make their dog/s not suitable for our services; including behavioural or health problems, antisocial behaviour; including aggression, incontinence or lack of house training and excessive loud barking, growling, snarling, without just cause. As canine specialist we know when a dog is reacting from instant, defensiveness, fear etc or from trained aggression.

Failure on the part of the owner to disclose any matter which might render dog/s unsuitable for walking or other services will be deemed a material omission amounting to a fundamental breach of our agreement and therefore be null and void of cover from insurance or any liability by Wagging4Walks. 


7.4 We make every effort to contact the owners in the event of an emergency. We recommend owners provide us with a contact number of a trusted third party should we be unable to make contact. However, we reserve the right to make decisions regarding your dog’s health provided it is always acting in the best interests of the dog and on the advice of a veterinary surgeon as we have a legal responsibility as under new laws; canines are sentient being and when in the care of any individual or company, they have a duty in law under the Animal Welfare Act to prevent the unnecessary pain and suffering of a canine.


7.5 The owner is responsible for payment of any veterinary fees incurred by Wagging4Walks outside our emergency initial treatment cover; no ongoing treatment, medication etc is not covered by Wagging4Walks as a company or any individual associated with us.


7.6 Late Payment, Commercial Debts Act 1988 amended 2002. We would like to remind customers that, payments are due promptly and in line with our payment in advance of services payment policy and cancellation policy detailed below for all services, otherwise legal action maybe sought to reclaim outstanding funds and any damages i.e. loss of income may have incurred, time in court, legal costs etc.

7.8 Minor Injuries and Sprains can happen on walks due to the environment or temperament and playfulness of the dogs, these minor injuries will be reported to you the client and treated with basic first aid. However on occasion things can be missed but we hold no liability for this and as owners you agree to this on registration on these occasions we will check in on them with you and make sure the injury has not worsened etc.


8.0  Bookings



8.1 Clients must ensure that their requirements for the following week are e-mailed or text etc, to us no later than Sunday AM of the previous week. There are minimum booking requirements to various services.


9.0 Cancellation


(All Services)


9.1 You may cancel your booked service/s provided you give a minimum of 48-hours’ notice, and you can be refunded or owed. However, if cancellation is made inside of the 48-hours of the service commencing, the full rate will be charged, as there will be a loss of income incurred and extra administration costs to be covered.


All clients that continue with routine services on certain days per week (after 1 month) enter into an ongoing contract that the days chosen will be kept and regular payments met unless 28 days notice of changes or cancelation is made. If you change or cancel your services with less than 28 days notice a forfeit of up to a weeks services (fee's) can be charged. Please note by signing the terms and conditions of Wagging4Walks Ltd at registration you agree and are bound by all therein and written in these Ts&Cs.

 9.2 If you are in contract with us for a service your exit period will most likely be a 14-day minimum notice presented in writing via email (only) and then 2 weeks payments of services that can be provided or not by Wagging4Walks at your discretion. If you are on an infrequent contract the exit period is 28 days’ notice in writing and payments outstanding and for 14 days after the agreed termination.

9.3 Wagging4Walks Senior Management may terminate a contract with immediate effect if any breeches of policy occur by a client.

9.4 Contracts with clients are only valid if the Senior Management stamp of approval is present in blue ink at the bottom of the page of agreed parties signatures etc. If this is not present you were either on a trial period or the contract is not complete therefore null and void.

9.5 Casual clients (non contracted) agree that they will give a minimum notice period of cancellation of all services of 14 days via email or WhatsApp to the business Manager and Agree by signing the terms and condition at registration to a £50 fine or a weeks service which ever is less for breech of this clause.

9.6 All clients are subject to 28 days notice of a premiant change to routine walking services as it directly effects the income of the business and may pay a forfeit of up to 1 weeks fee's to change services at short notice.

Boarding Services Ts & Cs

9.7.1 Boarding Services are undertaken by our South Liverpool franchise that holds its own insurances and liabilities; Wagging4Walks Ltd HQ can distance itself from claims made against its affiliates.

9.7.2 All services should be arranged and paid for through Wagging4Walks Ltd business manager and NOT Franchisee's.

9.7.2 Injuries suffered by your canine/s while in our care will be dealt with inline with our first aid and emergency procedures; Wagging4Walks Ltd will hold no liability for a dog attack on 'your dog' in our care, accidental injury, strains, environmental injury (especially off lead) or ongoing or newly diagnosed conditions that cause injury or worse; including death by natural causes under our care. This is written but not limited the medical issues listed above.

9.7.3 Damage to property while boarding. Any damages caused to the property by your canine/s outside fair wear and tear will be chargeable at a min rate £50 and a maximum of £500. You agree to this at registration and have the opportunity to decline or question this before signing.

9.7.4 Failure to collect your dog at the required times or be avalible for drop off will incur additional fee's. All dogs must be collected or returned before 1pm on the day of collection or a further days charge may be charged at managements discretion.


9.7 Short term or long term illness

In the event of illness by a (contracted) client the contract will add the lost days or weeks etc to the end of the contact. By entering a fixed end contract you the client agree that you will pay the sum total of either 3/6/12 months of that service that you have agreed to; unless notice of cancelation and 14 days advance payment is given, totalling 28 days. By entering a contract agreement with Wagging4Walks you the client agreed and have signed these conditions and are legally bound by them.

10.0 Charges


10.1 (Walking) Charges are as advertised on the ‘Our Services’ page. Please visit the ‘Our Services’ section on our website to view them fully. Please be aware that our rates are very competitive and are not negotiable. Discounts will be applied for PIP, DLA, AA, WPMS, AFIP or at Wagging4Walks Mangers/Owners discretion for loyal custom etc.


10.2 (Training & Behaviourist Services) Charges are per hour and will vary given the difficulty and time needed to try to fix problems with your dog/s and or the owners techniques. If you are late to agreed sessions without good reason or fail to call/text ahead; training time will be deducted from the hour but may go ahead. We can also never guarantee techniques are going to work; but the majority of the time our client sees visible improvements.


10.3 (Invoicing and payments) We keep an accurate record of customers bookings, invoice and payments (digitally) ahead of services. If it gets to the morning of the day of the services and they haven’t been paid for we will contact you one last time to either pay digitally via our payment system or if agreed attend your property and you can pay via our payment terminal (an additional 2.5% will be added to you invoice and charged as this is a fee we incur for in person transactions). If you fail to pay on the day services, services will not go ahead but may still be charged in full as a loss of time and earnings to the company will have accrued.


11.0 Price Changes & Annual April Price Rise

11.1 Annually, you the client agree prices may increase inline with inflation rounded up; and if you are in a running contract with Wagging4Walks or using direct debit you agree by excepting the terms of registration that you (the client) will pay the new charges until the agreed contract ends. Wagging4Walks reserves the right to change, remove or amend any prices or price plans at any time and you have the right as a customer to withdraw from the service within 14 days. If a contract is in place, you will be informed of these price changes and annual price rises by email and or WhatsApp. The new terms do not need to be formally agreed but you have 14 days to withdraw or question them etc.

If you are an infrequent user of the services prices will be as they our when you receive invoices and in line with the website price list and any changes made prior to you next booking.

Emergency Situations

12.1 In the event of a minor injury or illness we will contact you (the owner) or your designated emergency contact to confirm what you would like to be done (vet fee's will be chargeable to you the client or owner and only to Wagging4Walks if liability is admitted by the handler)

In the unlikely event of a life of death emergency, decisions will be made in line with the Animal Rights Act 2006, and we will take the injured dog to the nearest vets for emergency treatment. If injury accrued on the walk or training session etc Wagging4Walks insurance will cover emergency medical treatment to stabilize the dog only; further and ongoing care will be chargeable to you (the named client). In the event of exacerbation of already accruing injury or problems that were not observed or discovered prior to the emergency, an investigation will be made to determine if Wagging4Walks is liable for costs or not. By ticking the box that you (the client) Accept the terms and conditions you agree to this, and all sections and limitation detailed in the terms and conditions of Wagging4Walks Ltd. 

13.0 Termination of Contract/s


13.1 If you choose to cancel a single or multi booking service that has already been paid in full we will refund your money minis 1 day up to 24hrs before the first service is to begin if you cancel after this point we will offer you alternative slots first for the services booked or you will forfeit all funds and money paid will be used to cover administration costs of processing your cancelation and the potential loss of income to the company.


13.2 Clients who enter long term/ongoing contracts in any way (paid invoice, etc) with Wagging4Walks agree that all fees will be paid promptly, and cancellation of services requires notice of 2 week/14 days via email and you must pay this exiting period; wagging4walks will still provide services to the same standard throughout. If you refuse to pay you will receive an email link to invoices outstanding through any and all means of contact given to us, we will attempt to contact you multiple times within the first 3 weeks at the start of the 4th week you will receive a letter in the post and an email, if these are ignored, legal action through small claims court will proceed 28 days after the date you refused to pay or stopped responding to communications from Wagging4Walks and damages and loss of income will be added to the claim, as well as time in court.


14,0 Flexibility


14.1 We are fully insured to walk up to six dogs at a time. Whilst every effort is made to minimize group sizes on group walks there will be times when your dog will be walked with up to 3-5 other dogs that are vetted and introduced prior to a group walk contract or booking.


14.2  Your booked time is estimated only and whilst we make every effort to arrive at the time given, depending on road conditions and unforeseen circumstances, please allow approximately 30-45 minutes after your booked time slot for a member of Wagging4Walks team to attend. In adverse weather conditions please understand that we are still open but may be slightly delayed. If, however, we are more than 90Mins overdue then Wagging4Walks will reschedule or if unable to render service refund 100% of the service fee. Please note that time starts from when our team arrives at the location of the service. You  understand while every effort is made to give you dogs the full allotted and paid time, turnaround can cut into walk time; if a dog is reluctant to be put in the vehicle etc. We will also return the dogs in the most convenient route from our walk location. Clients may also make further requests to staff of wagging4walks which will take extra time out of your booked walk. All walks are 30 minutes or 60 or 90 minutes only minus travel.

15.0 Public Slander

15.1  If for any reason you’re not happy with the service; you agree by signing or verbally agreeing to the registration form not to publicly slander Wagging4Walks or its employees online via, google review, Facebook, twitter, or any other social media group/website or forum. As a client you agree to make honest representations of the truth and agree to give Wagging4Walks a chance to fix or rectify the situation and if agreed to be at fault we will refund you. However, if you choose to beach the terms of this contract you will be liable to prosecution and the registration (signed document) agreeing to these terms will be used as evidence against you to claim the full costs incurred plus time wasted and business lost due to your actions etc. By receiving a full refund in any form and excepting it, you forfeit the right to any legal action against Wagging4Walks and the matter is considered settled all paperwork null and void etc.


16.0 Privacy Policy


16.1 We respect the privacy of our site visitors and customers and are committed to protecting your online safety by maintaining your privacy any time you visit our site. Our privacy policy has been provided and reviewed by IONOS (1&1) who specialise in online websites and their security.


17.0 Collected Data

Your data can be collected and processed during the normal operation of our website. The following are ways we may perform these actions: Data regarding your visit(s) to our website and any resources used are collected. The following is included and not limited to location data, weblogs, traffic data, analytics and any other communication information. Any forms you filled out on our site allows us to collect data such as registering for information or when you complete a purchase. If for any reason you communicate with our personnel or site, we may collect information and store it on secure emails or clouds.


18.0 Third Party Links 

Third party links may be discovered on our site. These third-party links have their own privacy policy. We are not responsible, nor do we accept responsibility for third party links. Our liability covers us (Wagging4Walks Ltd only) on our site, and therefore we do not accept liability for third party links as we have no control over them, and they have full liability for security and data protection while you’re using them. This includes automated emails from third party systems that have not been regulated by Wagging4Walks and we hold no responsibility or liability for.




No part of this website, links, or payment screens may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, photocopying, printing electronic or otherwise. If you are found to have copied any information from this website Wagging4Walks reserves the right to pursue legal action against you, and you (the customer) will be liable for any costs incurred. It is an offence to breach copyright law and Wagging4Walks reserves the right to protect its public profile, images, and content. Most of the images are taken personally by team members of Wagging4Walks or have been granted permission to use by private individuals there are a small percentage of stock photos owned by IONOS we don’t own these as a company, and they may be used by others at IONOS discretion. The use of private images or Wagging4Walk images will be prosecutable under UK Law and Wagging4Walks will act with extreme prejudice to protect its clients and its own data from wrongful use in any way, by 3rd parties or non-authorized individuals.


19.2 By clicking that you AGREE to the terms and conditions at the bottom of the registration form/questionnaire (which links to this document) and SIGNING at the bottom of said form/document you AGREE that you have read in full and AGREE to be legally bound by all the terms and conditions in full, including our privacy and data policies in full; breach of any part of this document could be prosecutable by Wagging4Walks and lead to permanently refusal of services in the future.

20.00 Affiliations

Wagging4Walks only holds affiliations with either registered professional bodies or reputable third party companies. Wagging4Walks Ltd has never and will never have affiliations with the KENNEL CLUB UK/US. Any individual wishing to use our services must not have a current/ongoing affiliation with the Kennel Club; Wagging4Walks Ltd refuses to be affiliated with the Kennel Club in anyway, and reserves the right to refuse services to those that contribute to there work.

21.0 Amendments  

We reserve the right to amend these policies and make additions at any time and your continued use of our services after signing will automatically be taken as your acceptance of ongoing terms and condition and privacy and data policies. Again, by clicking that you AGREE and SIGNING the initial digital registration for and using our services after changes have been made you agree to amendments and ongoing terms etc as well. As a client you agree you have the ability and time to periodically check for updates to these policies relating to your rights under service conditions etc of Wagging4Walks and therefore will not be exempt from any changes because of ignorance or not being aware or informed etc. 

This document will always be available via link from our registration/questionnaire form and on the website under T&Cs for you to view anytime.

21.3 You have the legal right to withdraw at any time with 28 days notice (if not already in breech or being investigated for a breech) in writing or by email from the AGREED conditions etc; but all services will cease immediately and any Liability by Wagging4Walks Ltd or associates will cease on receipt of the email confirmation or letter and payments due within 24hrs will be forfeit, all other paid funds will be returned within 28 working days if services have not gone ahead. All outstanding funds must be paid promptly and will be pursued if defaulted, through the courts.


Thank You from,




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