Basic Training

Canine Training



These sessions will help teach

the owner the techniques they need to get their pup or dog where they want it

to be.

As trainers we will demonstrate

the techniques multiple times if necessary until you know them better than your

dog and we will observe and correct poor technique or misconceptions about the

way dogs learn etc. 


Its all about Repetition, confidence, and being fun!

Dogs ignore boring/ dull people

with no enthusiasm, they literally sense it and will not listen.


Rule no. 1 No shouting at your pup or dog;

they have no idea what you’re saying and are merely guessing what you want out

of fear; you might get what you want but the dog is learning through negative techniques causing fears and stress and a loss of trust.



We can also train to clickers, balls or treats, and the big one praise.

Remember young puppies will

only do so much as they become tired easily.

Basic training should start around 12

week and not be continuous and over days pups need fun (training should be fun and in short bursts)

but they also need lots of rest to grow.

To make the most out of this

service pups should be around 20 weeks  for basic training.

For training intervention around 6 months and for behavioural 12 months+

But to be money wise why not use our puppy walk and check-in service we will give you tips and advice on the right food and treats how to toilet train how to socialize with other dogs, how to lead train and lots of other do's and don'ts. 

However we are happy to play/train

with younger pups but you have to be realistic in your goals.


There will be a lot of

repetition and they can only train for short intervals.

The first thing you should do as an owner is always be relaxed around your dog; they sense tension and will naturally tense up themselves.

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